Quarterly Review: Life in Forgiveness

Richard T. Case has put the pen ink from his recent book directly on the hearts of readers. It is a heartfelt and compelling plea to free yourself from the enslavement of unforgiveness by forgiving, reconciling and loving through conflict.
To forgive or not to forgive? Most of us have grappled with this question or have had to ask it of others. The answer is usually plagued by a complexity of emotions and feelings tied to an afflicted offense or series of conflicts.
“Your heart will be held captive, if you don’t live in forgiveness all the time with all people."
Life in Forgiveness examines the consequences of letting anger and bitterness fester and is a powerful reminder that “your heart will be held captive,” if you don’t live in forgiveness all the time with all people. In this page-turner, you will find answers to the hard questions of how to honor, respect and be kind to those with whom you are in conflict and how to reconcile when there is no remorse or admission of offense on the other side. The book gently reminds us that no matter what, this is what Christ commands, just as He has freely offered forgiveness to us.

By: The TwoTen Team
The TwoTen team is passionate and energetic about fulfilling our mission and vision. We relentlessly invest our time, resources, and skills to producing a product of excellence and connecting with our community.
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